Phil Knight, co-founder of Nike.
Dr. Stan James, ground-breaking Eugene orthopedist who, I am very sorry to say, passed away on January 10, 2022, at 90 years of age. Here is a history of his role from the Slocum Foundation website: Stan James
Dr. Dennis Vixie, podiatrist at the Eugene Orthotic and Prosthetic Center. It was Vixie who worked on developing a shoe that worked for my very flat feet. And I am very sorry to say that he passed away on March 10, 2023.
To this end, he hand-made a pair of Nike Waffle Trainer prototypes as well as a prototype of the legendary LD-1000 (also known as the LDV - 'Long Distance Vixie' - for me. They are documented further in Shoes 2 and Shoes 3.
I have met Knight once, Bowerman was my coach, James my orthopedist, and Vixie my orthotician.
There are increasingly few people who have interacted with all four co-holders of the waffle sole patent.
I am struck by the longevity of these four:
Stan James lived until 90.
Bill Bowerman left us on Christmas Eve in 1999 at 88.
Phil Knight is 85.
Dennis Vixie lived until 81.