T-Shirts 12 - Diet and Fitness Expo - Gerry Lindgren's Stinky Foot

Diet and Fitness Expo
Gerry Lindgren’s The Stinky Foot
Running Store in Tacoma, Washington
1978 or 1979
I do not recall having run in these races. However, my connection to Lindgren in the late 70s was that I was working for On the Run, a World Publications running magazine. I was promised a cover for a story on Lindgren.
Unfortunately, this was just at the time the running market was becoming saturated, and On the Run folded as I was working on the article, and so it was never published.
I conducted three lengthy interviews with Lindgren at The Stinky Foot and have 85 pages of interview transcripts - even more when I add the interview with his coach, Tracy Walters.
When I returned to The Stinky Foot to ask Lindgren some follow up questions, he had famously disappeared.